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A Letter to Sarah J. Maas


Dear Sarah,

Thank you. Thank you for saving my life. For showing me a light amidst the unending darkness. Your words found my lost soul and brought me home.

I found your books when I had just finished high school. I was no stranger to this dark and numb feeling. It had been my loyal companion for many years. But after I graduated, I discovered a whole other level beneath that darkness. An unending abyss. And I fell down, down, down until I reached the bottom. There was nothing there, no one. I felt so lost, with no direction to go in. No dreams for a future I might build for myself. I felt nothing.

I lost myself.

Then, Throne of Glass came around. And I found myself again in this magical world, in these characters. Piece by piece, your words restored me. They were the hand I needed to crawl out of that abyss. To find the light once more and see that there is more to life than simply existing.

Thank you for showing me the beauty of life. Thank you for creating characters I could grow alongside with. Thank you for creating these friends I could relate to, in which I found pieces of myself and felt less alone. Thank you.

Your story gave me a purpose. A life goal. A dream. All my life I’ve been dwelling, wondering what I was meant to do on this earth. What my purpose was. I never knew until you showed me. Words have the power to change us. It was books that made me feel less alone, that gave me a home when I had none. This feeling, this help . . . I am eternally grateful or that.

So I will follow in your footsteps. I want to create my own stories and share them with the world. Give people who are lost a voice. A home. I want to let them know that they are not alone and that they are a bright, vital light on this earth.

I’m working very hard on this dream every day, writing every day. Sometimes, it is the only thing that keeps me going. I don’t know what I would do if I did not have this purpose. This urge to succeed in my dream.

I want to rattle the stars.

I know now, that I am destined for greatness, just like every other soul on this earth. I see a path before me, lighted by flames where only darkness used to dwell in the past.

I see a future, bright ahead of me.

You were the light I needed, the voice in my head that whispered to me at night when I wanted to give up. You do not yield, it said.

I listened.

I cried and I cried but I listened. I never gave up, even when I didn’t think I had any reason to keep going.

My name is Joyly Stevens and I will not be afraid. Comforting words I told myself in the dark when I was afraid. Afraid of what the future would bring. Afraid of the dark. Afraid of myself.

To whatever end. I will fight for what I believe in. I will spread kindness and greatness to whatever end.

My life is only just beginning. And whatever it throws at me, I will not yield. I will not be afraid.

Thank you for sharing your story with the world. For bringing people together through these words. Thank you for being the voice that tethered me to life. Thank you for finding me, and saving me.

I am eternally grateful.

Thank you,

Joyly Stevens

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