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Review 'Granted' by Kendra Thomas


Granted is a blend of fairytales, a look into your past, present, and future that will sweep you off your feet. When first starting Granted by Kendra Thomas, I didn't know what to expect. I only knew that I was excited. The synopsis had me intrigued, so without thinking, I dove into this story. Only to realize that I kept falling and falling down a rabbit hole until the final page. This book, this story, had me by the throat from the very first chapter. I found myself unable to get free from its pull which resulted in me reading this story practically in one sitting. Even now, I can't put my finger on what exactly it was about this story that made me unable to put it down. I only know that I couldn't turn the page fast enough to keep reading. And to me, that's one of the most important aspects of reading.

To start off, the plot was very engaging and fast-paced. I never found my thoughts wandering to other things while reading. I loved the idea of an arranged marriage (it's a trope I love to read about in fantasy). Still, I'd never before read it from this point of view, where the love interest is betrothed to the sister. It intrigued me to the point where I could not predict what was going to happen. I loved the idea of a forbidden romance behind it and how deeply the connection between the main character, Sabaera, and the love interest, Mid, went. I loved reading about their stolen moments, knowing they shouldn't but unable to pull away.

The world-building could easily be described in one word: unique. Through beautifully descriptive writing, the world of Aveladon came to life before my eyes. Lush forests and glamorous palaces, shimmering dresses and vibrant cities, this book had it all. I loved the beauty of this world and loved that I could imagine it all so clearly through these descriptive details.

Furthermore, the magic surrounding the Stone-Hearted and their powers were fascinating to me. I've never read anything like it, and it excited me to learn about this whole society of gifted Stone-Hearted, their folklores, and beliefs. I'm excited to see this expand in the sequel.

This brings us to the last aspect I want to discuss; the characters. The character cast was wonderfully developed. There is a wide range of interesting characters where you can clearly tell that they each have many different sides to them, and though we haven't discovered every side yet, I am confident that this will happen in the sequel. What I loved about the main character, Sabeara, is how real she felt to me. She wasn't a perfect, fearless heroine who had it all together. She was brash, impulsive, witty, and courageous despite her fears. She fought for what she believed was right for her kingdom and wasn't afraid to speak her mind. I admired that about her. She tended to diminish her own strengths, thinking herself weak compared to those around her, unable to see how brightly she really burned. It made her a relatable character. The love interest, Midennen, was attractive from the very beginning. Handsome, witty, honorable, what's not to love? I loved the mysterious allure he had to him in the first half of the book and found myself drawn to him. I loved getting to know little tidbits about him throughout the story. Both of these characters became very dynamic, especially during the second half of the book when things started to become tense. It thrilled me to watch them grow and become more prominent.

What's worth mentioning is the villain who surprised me the most. At first glance, he seemed like an ordinary villain, hungry for more power. Turns out looks can be deceiving. The further you read, the more you'll come to realize the mystery surrounding him. A mystery that will make you want to continue reading.

It's safe to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It had some great and unique aspects that kept me on the edge of my seat. It was a thrilling read that somehow managed to take me back in time to when I was a little girl who got lost in fairytales every night before bed. A truly magical read.

Thank you so much to Kendra for gifting me a copy!

Get your copy here!

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