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Review 'The City of Brass' by S.A. Chakraborty


To say that this book blew me away is an understatement. I was immediately sucked into this world from the very first page and this book did not let go of me until the very last word. This world is so magical, so complex, so intricate, and I have no words to describe what this book makes me feel except that I am in awe of everything this author created. I have felt the magic in every word, woven in between every line, all the way to the center of my bones and the center of my soul. I have been swept away on a magical carpet that took me high up in the sky and showed me the most dazzling magic I never thought possible. This is a book that will stay with me for a very long time and will forever be a defining moment in who I am as a reader. This is the book that left something of itself inside of me and changed something inside of me as well. And a book that manages to make me feel changed as a person, is a book that holds immense power. This is a book every fantasy lover needs to read. This is a book that is so unique that I have never read anything like it. This is a book that needed to be written.



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